Spring Style Series

The Spring season is always a beautiful time. The sun is out, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and if you have a small urban farm like I do the chickens are clucking! It’s finally been warm enough out here to try the new trends for spring... okay I'm lying, it really never gets thaat cold in Southern California.. I know, I'm spoiled. But any excuse for some new fashion finds, am I right?!
If you are anything like me, you love a trend thats just as much fashionable as it is laid back. Luckily for you, over the next few weeks I'll be sharing some of my favorite easy to wear Spring fashion trends and pairing them with Lacee Alexandra Jewelry, because let's face it..nothing is complete without some rad jewels.
I'll be posting these spring style inspirations once a week, e v e r y single week, for the next month! I know all you babes are constantly on the go, but I don't want you to miss out on these looks, they're serious must haves for Spring! Drop you're email >> here << and they'll show up right in your inbox so you can reference it at any time!
Until next week.. xx